Missoula, MT
Organization size: 
Volunteer run
Silver Lining Foundation
“I love having a team that is looking [at our organization] in so many different ways... I have a great deal of comfort knowing that there are much smarter people working from different angles on this.”
Nan Condit

President of Silver Lining Foundation

The Situation:
Big growth, small team
“We’re all volunteers and we were at that tipping point where the nonprofit had gotten bigger than we imagined.”

Silver Lining Foundation, a dragon boat and outrigger canoe team founded by a group of breast cancer survivors in Montana, was experiencing exponential growth. But Western Montana boasts more nonprofit organizations per capita than anywhere else in the U.S.—and competition for funds and volunteers was stiff. With three major fundraising events on the horizon, they needed more manpower and expertise.

The Challenge:
A leap of faith
“I’m big on keeping things local. But at some point you have to let go and go with the people who have the right experience.”

As Silver Lining Foundation geared up for their busiest event season ever, President Nan Condit knew the organization needed a new level of expertise to ensure success this year and beyond. Fiercely loyal to her local community, Nan was initially hesitant to seek outside help. But she was intrigued by the deep fundraising expertise Harness offered at a fraction of the cost of hiring a new employee in Montana’s competitive market. Ultimately, Harness’ attentive and caring approach to her organization’s issues convinced Nan to make the leap.

The Solution:
A new team of experts
“When we adopted Harness, we never thought we would be organizing events like this. Harness just helps streamline the process. The reports are already so much better.”

Nan felt immediately at ease with Harness’ team of experts. After vetting Harness with Silver Lining Foundation’s tough-to-impress treasurer and board, Nan and Harness got to work preparing for the three fundraisers. Harness helped Silver Lining Foundation map out a fundraising strategy, create a website, and streamline registration for the upcoming and future events.

The Result:
A total game changer
Increase in online giving
“Harness is a game changer. My dream is for the Silver Lining Foundation to go on forever, and Harness brings a level of professionalism to the process.”

With fundraising and event organizing off their plates, Nan and her group of survivors were able to focus on their mission of building an empowering community for breast cancer survivors while increasing online giving by 86%. With Harness on their side, the Silver Lining Foundation team feels secure in their ability to support their growing organization. Nan recently invited her Harness team out to Montana to officially try dragon boat racing with her crew.

Ready to put more expertise behind your events?
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